Paste de etanșare rosturi

Ca unul dintre producătorii de top mondiali în domeniul materialelor cu poliuretan pentru industria construcțiilor, MARIS POLYMERS pune de asemenea un accent deosebit pe pastele de etanșare pentru rosturi. Aceste produse și sisteme de etanșare a rosturilor îndeplinesc cerinţele clienţilor din prezent și se conformează celor mai recente tehnologii și standarde.

Sistemele MARIS POLYMERS sunt utilizate la clădirile noi și renovări. Un mare număr de clienți din peste 76 de țări la nivel mondial au încredere în sistemele noastre sofisticate de impermeabilizare și de acoperire. Descoperiți chiar dumneavoastră serviciile noastre și siguranța dovedită a MARISEAL și a altor sisteme.

For the function and the durability of the building, joint sealing is of key importance. Joint sealing is used to prevent passage of air, water, smog and to enhance the visual appearance of the whole construction. Without proper joint sealing it would be impossible to insulate a building sufficiently.

Control Joints Control Joints

MARIS POLYMERS® offers the MARIFLEX® technologically advanced, elastic polyurethane joints sealants that offer high-performance and provide the necessary tightness under any environmental and load conditions. MARIS POLYMERS® elastic joint sealants are able to accommodate thermal and structural movements without breaking or loosing the adhesion to the adjacent building elements and most importantly guaranteed long lasting results.

Advantages of the MARISEAL SYSTEM® at a glance

Simple application.
UV and weathering resistant.
Resistant to constant movement.
Resistant to water, heat and frost.
Maintain its mechanical properties over a temperature span of -30°C to +90°C
Provides excellent adhesion to most construction materials
Resistant to detergents, oils, fuels and seawater
Over 10 years of positive feedback worldwide

Proposed Build Up

Control Joints

For the function and the durability of the building, joint sealing is of key importance. Joint sealing is used to prevent passage of air, water, smog and to enhance the visual appearance of the whole construction. Without proper joint sealing it would be impossible to insulate a building sufficiently

Expansion Joints Expansion Joints

MARIS POLYMERS® offers the MARIFLEX® technologically advanced, elastic polyurethane joints sealants that offer high-performance and provide the necessary tightness under any environmental and load conditions. MARIS POLYMERS® elastic joint sealants are able to accommodate thermal and structural movements without breaking or loosing the adhesion to the adjacent building elements and most importantly guaranteed long lasting results.

Advantages of the MARISEAL SYSTEM® at a glance

Simple application.
UV and weathering resistant.
Resistant to constant movement.
Resistant to water, heat and frost.
Maintain its mechanical properties over a temperature span of -30°C to +90°C
Provides excellent adhesion to most construction materials
Resistant to detergents, oils, fuels and seawater
Over 10 years of positive feedback worldwide

Proposed Build Up

Expansion Joints

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